uvodní obrázek
czech english french german japan
Úvod Novinky Hajku Galerie Úvahy Odkazy

You have entered "czech haiku" pages, that were set up for a mere joy of creation.

You can go to our gallery either to enjoy single photos, meant to be a kind of "picture haikus", or combinations of photos and inserted texts. You can also watch several first videos and read a few translation trials.

If you have more than 10 texts or pictures presented there, we will create your own authorial section. Please send the texts and photos to our e-mails, see below. We reserve the right of choice which of them are going to be used on our pages. The author himself is then responsible for the content of his texts and photos.

Our approach to haiku - as you can perceive from the title itself - is very open. We long neither for limiting nor commanding you. We would like to meet new ways of expressing our unity with the whole Existence, with the nature of Creation itself. In our opinion, haiku should be the manifestation of Here and Now. It is of low importance if it is expressed with one word, two lines, holy silence or a picture.

We can also put out your haiku opinions and comments. If you want to react upon writings and pictures of any author, write on his own address, unless we say different. If the author wants to publish his reaction, he will send it to us.

We assume that the actualizations of the pages will occur 1x-4x a year. Their dates, changes and other notices are going to be listed in NEWS section.

Ša-gej & Darmo-šlap

Roman.Szpuk@seznam.cz (Darmo-šlap) foto Roman

Free downloading and copying data from these pages is possible only with the approval of the authors.

*Note: Please send your texts as an enclosed file in .doc format and pictures in .jpg, size 800 x 600px. Thank you.

*To correct display foreign version of this pages it is necessary to have installed appropriate language pack.

We are indebted for the translation: Tereza Němcová - English, French
Monika Šplouchalová - French
Václav Slunečko - German

Pro web jsme použili ilustrace autorů: Koson Nagan Oban - 4 ilustrace
Watanabe Seitei (1851 Edo - 1918) - 2 ilustrace
z r. 1916

Prozatím se nám bohužel nepodařilo sehnat ochotného japanistu, který by provedl jazykovou korekturu japonské verze stránek. Omlouváme se případným čtenářům znaků a zároveň na ně apelujeme o pomoc.

Darmo-šlap - Ša-gej. Šedá volavka [online]. c2007, the last revision x. y. 20xx [cit. 20xx-xy-xy]. <http://hajku.blackhost.cz>.

Pages created - 21st Mar 2007.

code & design by Jaromír Uxa ©2007